The Cloisters, Shapers of Worlds, StarShipSofa

Today, my story “Death on the Nefertem Express” is featured on StarShipSofa! Special shout out to voice actress Mary Murphy, who delivers a pitch-perfect performance, making each character really stand out in a way that I couldn’t be happier about. A luxury train on another world is mysteriously sabotaged… with only minutes to go before the deadly sunrise arrives. This is my Agatha Christie tribute, first conceived on a wine train after a bottle of wine, and first published in The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction.

And speaking of homages to favorite writer, I’m also excited to announce that I’ve just sold my story “The Beasts at the End of the World” to the latest Shapers of Worlds anthology (Volume 5)! This one is inspired by H. G. Wells, one of my favorite authors, and my tale is a sequel to not one, but two of his stories.



This month, I visited The Cloisters in northern Manhattan. A recreation of a medieval monastery (literally using entire sections of several abbeys) this hidden gem is replete with tapestries (including the famous Unicorn Hunt), gothic architecture, chapels, artifacts, paintings, and gardens of the herbs and flowers used in the 13th and 14th centuries for everything from medicine to dyes. I especially like the book box (pictured below), which travelers used to carry around their favorite reading material.

Oh, and check out the illustrated demon. I don’t know what mad honey the artist was eating when he painted this, but this is next-level weirdness: a freakish Voltron of other beasts and insects.

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